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The Author

James Smart

     Inspiration and Motivation! That's what this is all about. To Inspire, Motivate and open a door that needs to be opened. That's my goal! I'm retired and loving the life of being unhinged from the 9 to 5 backpack. I would like to give back by encouraging and inspiring. I would like to share what's been learned in my life. What makes me an expert? I'm still learning and no one knows it all except GOD. I have lived for over 70 years and I'm Still Learning. Life has enabled me to experience and learn from many different people from around the world. My employment experience has included employment at Standard Oil's research facility in the infancy of plastic's use in and for everything, to the infancy of computers, cellphones, and fast cars! I actually got started online when Facebook first started though I was online to utilize the World Wide Study Bible at the time. I also have over 30 years of experience in management and operating a business. I would like to share what I've learned. At this time I would like to share and encourage the use of the many golden opportunities in online endeavors also. In life, we are each looking for fulfillment and it can be very hard to find. Be You, find out who you are. Then be the Best You Can Be.   James Smart    

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